What We Do
We advocate and ensure sound scientific basis for NOAA Fisheries science programs and resource conservation and management decisions. We closely coordinate with six NOAA Fisheries science centers: Alaska, Northeast, Northwest, Pacific Islands, Southeast, and Southwest.
Fisheries Statistics
We collect data and coordinate information and research programs to support the science-based stewardship of the nation's living marine resources. In addition to integrating and disseminating state and federal statistics about marine fisheries, we administer the surveys used to estimate recreational landings.
Learn more about our programs and find key data for commercial fisheries landings, foreign trade, marine recreational fisheries catch and effort.
Assessment & Monitoring
We support at-sea resource surveys, stock assessments, protected resource science and the seabird program, fisheries observer programs, cooperative research, and the independent peer review of NOAA Fisheries science products and programs. In addition, we develop policies, procedures, and budget initiatives to ensure that these activities are high quality, cost effective, productive, and fully supported.
Economics & Social Analysis
We conduct and coordinate socioeconomic research and data collection undertaken by the agency to support conservation and management of living marine resources.
Marine Ecosystems
We support the development and coordination of science programs including habitat to advance the incorporation of ecosystem information into living marine resource management.
Program Reviews
We continually strive to advance the science that informs fisheries and protected resources management. As part of our ongoing improvement efforts, we conduct a systematic peer review process at our regional science centers and national Office of Science and Technology to improve integration, identify best practices, and share successes and challenges within our science enterprise.
Mission Support
We provide mission support by maintaining and improving the quality and credibility of NOAA Fisheries’ scientific activities. We also provide application management and development to support timely access to NOAA Fisheries data resources.
Our Leadership

Evan Howell, Ph.D.
Dr. Howell is the Director of the Office of Science and Technology. He previously served as the deputy director for the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, where he researched critical habitat and possible climate effects on highly migratory and protected species in the central North Pacific ecosystem. He earned his B.S. in Biology & Chemistry from Antioch University in Ohio, his M.S. in Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry from the University of Miami, and his Ph.D. in Marine Bioresource and Environmental Science from Hokkaido University.

David Detlor
Deputy Director
David Detlor is responsible for the daily execution of the office’s multi-disciplinary national and international fisheries science programs. He also chairs the NOAA Fisheries Science Deputies Board, which oversees the agency’s science infrastructure, including laboratories, ships and aircraft requirements, information technology systems, and research and development workforce. Mr. Detlor earned a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from Michigan State University and a Master of Science in Oceanography from the University of Connecticut.
Management Team
Fisheries Statistics Division
Richard Cody, Ph.D.
Division Director-
Commercial Fishery Statistics
Lisa Peterson, Commercial Fishery Statistics Branch Director (acting)
Commercial Fishery Statistics
Recreational Fisheries Statistics - Technical Branch
John Foster, Recreational Fisheries Statistics - Technical Branch Director
Recreational Fisheries Statistics - Technical Branch
Recreational Fishing Statistics - Program Management Branch
Katherine Papacostas, Ph.D., Recreational Fishing Statistics - Program Management Branch Director
Recreational Fishing Statistics - Program Management Branch
Operation, Management, and Information Division
Karl Moline
Division Director-
Budget, Planning & Administration
Gerald Thomas, Budget, Planning & Administration Branch Director
Budget, Planning & Administration
Assessment and Monitoring Division
Patrick Lynch, Ph.D.
Division Director-
Fish Assessments
Christine Stawitz, Ph.D., Assessments Branch Director
Fish Assessments
Fisheries and Living Marine Resource Monitoring
Elizabeth Chilton, Monitoring Branch Director
Fisheries and Living Marine Resource Monitoring
Economics and Social Analysis Division
Cameron Speir
Division Director-
Scientific Publication Office
Willis Hobart, Branch Director
Scientific Publication Office
Science Information Division
Michael Liddel, Ph.D.
Division Director (acting)-
Application Development
Scott Sauri, Application Development Branch Director
Application Development
Glen Taylor, Operations Branch Director
Marine Ecosystems Division
Chris Kelble, Ph.D.
Division Director-
National Systematics Laboratory
Allen Collins, Ph.D., Director, National Systematics Laboratory
National Systematics Laboratory
Other Locations
Scientific Publications Office
Publishes scientific results of agency research, continuing the tradition of scientific publishing since 1871 when the agency was originally called the U.S. Commission on Fish and Fisheries. Based in Seattle, Washington.
Systematics Lab
Conducts systematic, taxonomic, and life history research on marine organisms of economic and ecological value, thereby contributing to the understanding of marine biodiversity.